Sunday, January 24, 2010
Meet Jacob Henry
Well, 7 weeks later and I am finally adding Jacob to our blog. Let's just say life has been busy since 12/7/09. Jacob is a wonderful baby boy that has added so much joy to our lives. We can't believe how fast the last 7 weeks have gone. Colin is a great big brother that loves Jacob very much and it is amazing to see how Jacob follows Colin's voice. More to come later, but here are a few pictures we took of Jacob at 6 weeks.

Friday, November 20, 2009
Family Pictures
Back in October we had new family pictures/maternity pictures taken. It was a lot of fun. There is a photographer in St. Michael that has been taking pictures at Colin's daycare the last few years and I have been so impressed with her pictures. I contacted her about doing the baby's pictures once baby arrives and she said with infant pictures she does a free maternity sitting. It was a lot of fun to have these taken. Something that will be a good keepsake for baby. Below are a few of my favorites.
Baby update: I am now 36.5 weeks, yeah!! We made the 36 week mark. For those who didn't know I went into preterm labor at 32 weeks and have been on bed rest ever since. I will be on bed rest until baby decides to make an appearance or December 7th arrives, which is when my c-section is scheduled for. Personally, I'm ready for baby to arrive any day. Scott is pushing for the 38 week mark, so we'll see who wins this one:) Either way, I am happy we made it to 36 weeks for the health of the baby. Scott has been doing a wonderful job of taking care of Colin and I, managing all the household tasks and still working. Colin is also doing a great job. He loves to be Daddy's helper whenever Mommy needs anything and knows way more about contractions than most 3.5 years old probably do. As soon as we have baby news to share we will be sure to post something here. No more than 2 weeks from Monday and baby will be here! And no, we still don't know what the sex is. I think today's ultrasound was number 15 and I can honestly say we don't know. What we do know is baby is breathing on its own and has very chubby cheeks!

Baby update: I am now 36.5 weeks, yeah!! We made the 36 week mark. For those who didn't know I went into preterm labor at 32 weeks and have been on bed rest ever since. I will be on bed rest until baby decides to make an appearance or December 7th arrives, which is when my c-section is scheduled for. Personally, I'm ready for baby to arrive any day. Scott is pushing for the 38 week mark, so we'll see who wins this one:) Either way, I am happy we made it to 36 weeks for the health of the baby. Scott has been doing a wonderful job of taking care of Colin and I, managing all the household tasks and still working. Colin is also doing a great job. He loves to be Daddy's helper whenever Mommy needs anything and knows way more about contractions than most 3.5 years old probably do. As soon as we have baby news to share we will be sure to post something here. No more than 2 weeks from Monday and baby will be here! And no, we still don't know what the sex is. I think today's ultrasound was number 15 and I can honestly say we don't know. What we do know is baby is breathing on its own and has very chubby cheeks!

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Grandparents Day at Preschool
Colin had Grandparent's Day at Preschool on Wednesday. They all had so much fun attending preschool together. Colin was very lucky to have all 4 of his Grandparents there with him. The kids sang 2 songs for the Grandparents and were able to show them what they do each day at school.
Thank you for coming Gramma, Grampa, Nanny and Papa!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Colin had a great week of Halloween events. Wednesday he got to dress up for preschool, Friday was Halloween at Daycare and Saturday he went trick-or-treating with his buddy Jackson. Colin was a farmer this year. No surprise to us with his love for farming and John Deere tractors. Here are a few pictures from last night.

Grandma and Grandpa and Nanny and Papa came out to see the farmer and hand out candy.

Colin with his pumpkin

Our cute little neighbor Julia dressed up as Raggedy Anne, she was so cute. And so was her twin brother who was Andy.

Colin and Jackson, or Farmer and Crew Chief.

Hope everyone had a great Halloween!
Grandma and Grandpa and Nanny and Papa came out to see the farmer and hand out candy.
Colin with his pumpkin
Our cute little neighbor Julia dressed up as Raggedy Anne, she was so cute. And so was her twin brother who was Andy.
Colin and Jackson, or Farmer and Crew Chief.
Hope everyone had a great Halloween!
Monday, September 14, 2009
Colin's 1st day of Preschool
Today Colin had his first day of preschool. Wow, where has the last 3.5 years gone. He was so excited to go. He woke up this morning and when we asked him if he was ready for school today he got a huge smile on his face and said "Yeah, today is finally a school day!"

Today was a shortened version of school. It was only an hour long and Scott and I got to go with him. He loved it and is so excited to go back on Wednesday which will be a full 2.5 hour day without Mom and Dad.
As always, it was much harder on Mom than anyone else. It so nice to see how excited he is for school and so far he is showing no signs of separation issues on Wednesday. We can't wait to hear all about his first day on his own.
Here are a few pictures we took before leaving.
We took our summer vacation the week of Labor Day. It was so nice to get away and have time with just the 3 of us. We started out our trip with a stop in Duluth, MN for a night. We did so much while we were there.
We went to the Shed Aquarium. Colin enjoyed seeing the fish and learning about the different types of ships on the Great Lakes. His favorite part was playing with the boats in the water and learning how a boat gets from the Great Lakes to the Ocean through the different locks.
Colin running out of a Beaver House.
We then headed to the Pier and walked out to the light house.
After the Pier we stopped for Colin to throw rocks into Lake Superior. Instead of just throwing rocks in Colin went in the water and got pretty wet. We kept asking him if he was cold and he said "No, I like the water cold."
The next day we woke up, had breakfast and Colin was back to Lake Superior. He loves the water there. We didn't even want to put our feet in the water, but Colin went all the way in as though it were bath water. He really does love the water cold.
After swimming we checked out of the hotel and went to the Train Station for a 10 mile train ride up the shore of Lake Superior. This was Colin's first train ride and he was really excited for it. He got to see how they switch the tracks to allow the train to go from track to track and he saw the engine go from the front of the train to the back of the train. We all really enjoyed the ride.
After the train ride we headed to Hurley for a few days. On Tuesday we headed into Camp with Grampa, Uncle Jason and Cousin Brian. The boys had so much fun playing together while the older boys began work on building a sauna. I had a lot of fun watching the boys interact together. Brian is getting the age where he watches Colin to see what he is doing and likes to copy what Colin does. Colin really enjoyed teaching his cousin.
And Buster joined us too. He loved running all day!
Throughout our time in Hurley Colin and Daddy got to take a few 4 wheeler rides, which Colin loves!!
On Wednesday we headed up to the UP and went to the Porcupine Mountains and saw Lake of the Clouds. It was beautiful! Colin enjoyed climbing the rocks and Scott and I enjoyed looking at how beautiful the lake was and the surroundings. On our way back down we stopped at Lake Superior for another swim for Colin. Again, he loved the cold.
What a great way to end the summer!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Summertime Fun!
We've had a great summer!! It has been so busy. Seems like every weekend and during the week we have had so much going on. Here are a few things we've been up to.
The end of July we had the annual Geach/McGill weekend at the cabin. We all had a great time together and Colin found a new love, tubing!! He pretty much went tubing with every combination of adults that weekend.
Colin's big catch!
Gramma and Grampa tubing with Colin.
The end of July we celebrated Gramma Geach's birthday.
On August 1st Daddy ran his first at the Hanover Harvest Festival and did great! We were so proud of him.
Colin so proud of his medal.
My two runner's. Like Father Like Son.
After the 5K and Fun Run we went with the Brutger's to the parade. Colin and Jackson waiting patiently for the parade to start.
We had a busy day on August 1st, after the parade we headed to celebrate Brian's 1st Birthday (our nephew). Brian turned 1 on August 15th. We had a great day celebrating with him.
A few days late, but Happy 1st Birthday Brian!! We love you and have enjoyed watching you grow this last year and can't wait to see what the future holds for you. We are so blessed to have you as our nephew.
The traditional cake picture from the 1st birthday.
Colin got to go with Daddy and Grampa fishing and caught his first bass. Here he is holding it by the mouth, what a brave boy!! Obviously his daddy's son.
August 7-9th we headed up to Grand Forks to visit Auntie Stacy and Joe. Joe took all of us to a few different farms and Colin was able to sit in several different John Deere tractors and a semi-trucks. He was in heaven!! He hasn't stopped talking about it since. He can't wait until we can go back up and he can go for a ride. Unfortunately the weather was rainy so they couldn't take the tractors out. We had a great weekend with Auntie and Joe and Nanny and Papa.
Colin sitting in the John Deere.
Colin and Joe by a tire of one of the tractors.
Can you spot Colin? Colin in front of the Combine, they are huge! You should have seen his eyes when he saw how big it was.
Colin and Joe sitting in the Combine. Colin got to lower and raise the front of the Combine which he thought was so neat.
Auntie, Joe and Colin down by the river.
This past weekend we had our friends the Hanson's and the Botten's up to the cabin. The weather wasn't the best, but we all had a great time.
Heather and Carrie feeding the babies. Beckham and Mady are just 10 days apart.
The boys heading out in between rain storms for some fishing (Will, Brady, Dirk, Scott and Colin).
Trouble-- Colin and Brady! They played so well together all weekend.
That's been the last few weeks of summer.
Baby update- this little one continues to be a mover. So very different from Colin. Colin and Scott have both felt the baby move numerous times and Colin just loves to feel the baby move. He keeps asking why we can't take the baby out now. December seems so far away for him. We had our 20 week ultrasound back in July and decided not to find out the sex of the baby. Everything looked great and the baby was on the move during the ultrasound which was so great to see. So far, most everyone thinks it's a girl besides Colin and I, we think it's a boy, so we shall see in December. We are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of this little one.
Enjoy these last few weeks of summer. Let's hope the weather warms up!
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