Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Colin's First Dentist Appointment

Today Colin had his first dentist appointment. He did wonderful!!! We've been talking about it for a while now and at first he was not excited about the idea of going to the dentist. But after reading many books about going to the dentist he was a perfect patient. We timed his appointment with Scott's so he was able to watch Daddy getting his teeth cleaned before getting his. A little while into Scott's cleaning Colin said he was ready to have his teeth cleaned so I headed over to the chair with him. He loved the chair and learning about all the tools. He said his favorite part was the flavors. Leave it to Colin to ask half way through the cleaning if he could try another flavor. So he started with bubble gum and then moved on to chocolate. For his fluoride treatment he chose marshmallow. Sara, the dental assistant, was so good with him. She did a great job explaining everything to him before doing anything. What a big boy! We were very proud of him. Hopefully the second appointment in August will go just as smooth.


MGeach said...

Good job Colin you did great! He is getting way to big.

Becky said...

Gosh, he's getting big! What a little man.