Sunday, March 29, 2009

3 years old

We have a three year old as of last Sunday! It's been a week of celebrations.

We started the week with a trip to Hurley with Gramma, Grampa, Auntie Melissa, Uncle Jason and Brian. We had a great 3 day weekend (Sat-Mon) up north. We surprised Colin with a Arctic Cat 4 wheeler on Saturday. His response was precious- "It's just what I wanted." He pretty much lived in it all weekend. Brian even thought it was pretty neat to sit in. We had a celebration with everyone on Sunday (Colin's actual birthday) and opened a few presents.

Here is Colin walking up to his new ride, the smile on his face says it all.

He was so excited to help Daddy put it together.

Colin and Brian taking a bath together Sat. night.

Blowing out his candles.

Auntie, Uncle, Brian and Colin

We headed back on Monday and had Colin's three year doctor's appointment on Tuesday morning. He is growing like a weed! His whole life so far (all 3 years of it) he has always been 50th percentile height and weight and 97th for his head (lot's of room for those brains :)). He jumped to 75th percentile for both height and weight and is at the 50th percentile for his BMI. They no longer chart the head size, but we know it's still huge!

Then it was off to daycare for his daycare birthday party. While he was gone in the morning the kids helped Erin make brownies and a birthday crown. He had a great celebration at daycare that day.

Saturday was the big family/friends celebration. We did a John Deere theme this year. Those that know Colin well know he is a huge fan of tractors and specifically John Deere. The party was wonderful. We had a house full of people and the kids all did wonderful together playing and celebrating with Colin. Colin got so many nice gifts, thank you everyone!
The cake Mommy made.
All of the kids
Sunday (today) we took Colin to his first movie at the theatre. We went and saw Monsters versus Aliens. It was a great movie and Colin was perfect the entire time. Laughing through it and sitting still eating his popcorn the entire 90 minutes. He is asking when we can go again. When we got home from the movie Colin's friends Vanessa and Lance across the street where out so Colin ran over to play. He took both kids for a ride in the Arctic Cat and Colin and Vanessa went biking together. Colin's bike was a present from yesterday from Gramma and Grampa. He's doing great riding it.
It's hard to believe our little boy is 3 years old already. These last three years have been so amazing watching Colin learn and grow. He is an amazing little boy that both Scott and I are so proud to call our son. He brings such joy to our day each day. I can't wait to see what the future holds for him. Happy 3rd Birthday Colin, Daddy and I love you very much!

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